Sunday, June 18, 2006

Transfer of Learning

In 1987 Bruce Joyce and Beverly Showers shared the results of their ground-breaking research on how individuals learn, retain and put that learning into practice. The results of their study has become the primary source of information leading to what we know as "coaching" today. Even though the study was initially done almost twenty years ago, the findings are just as relevant today as they were at the time!

Here is what they found in regards to how learners transfer a new skill into practice as a result of a learning experience:
  • 5% as a reseult of learning a THEORY
  • 10% as a result of learning a theory and seeing a DEMONSTRATION
  • 20% as a result of learning a theory, seeing a demonstration and PRACTICE DURING TRAINING
  • 25% as a result of learning a theory, seeing a demonstration, practice during training and receiving CORRECTIVE FEEDBACK DURING THE TRAINING
  • 90% as a result of learning a theory, seeing a demonstration, practice during training, receiving corrective feedback during training and IN-SITUATION COACHING

This is absolutely remarkable! Recently I have started a new adventure where a group of my peers and myself will provide free mentoring, and peer-to-peer training for Cancer Registrars (cancer data management specialists in healthcare). Clearly the data from the Joyce and Showers study is timely, relevant and will be meaningful as we work together to mentor, coach and inspire our peers!


Copyright M. A. Webb, 2004-2006. All Rights Reserved

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