e-Learning That Gets Noticed!
In order to be successful with your e-learning, or any educational opportunity, you will need to deliver more than resources or materials. Although educational materials are an important component of your overall e-learning business, your customers will likely need more than just printed or electronic materials. Following are three important elements that you will need to incorporate into the delivery of your system.
1. Interactivity. Resources including printed or electronic materials, are useful but they may limit the student's learning opportunity. Customers not only do not like to read lengthy documents on their computer, but many find it more difficult and will not receive the maximum benefit. Include interactive elements in your delivery such as simulations, collaboration and online testing. You need to improve upon the "traditional" educational methods in order to get your system noticed and improve your competitive edge and increase profits.
2. Blended Learning and the Personal Touch. If you want to add a personal touch to the delivery of your system, consider providing bulletin boards, e-mail, webinars, teleconferencing and/or videoconferencing. Depending on your specific content, you may not be able to entirely eliminate face-to-face contact either. By providing these personal touches you will also be allowing your students (and customers) to blend their personal learning styles with your system and improve customer satisfaction ratings.
3. Focus and Direction. If you are trying to attract a specific niche market or corporate culture, you need to focus on problem-solving and business goals specific to that market. Companies will want to see a return on their investment in the training you deliver. You will need to demonstrate how your system will help them to improve their services, sales, support, and the bottom line, the budget. Consider providing some incentive for a company to agree to have you train their employees on specific tasks or concepts at a reduced cost to address their immediate needs. Knowledge, by itself, is not sufficient, companies need to realize direct benefit to their business goals.
Source: http://WeTrainU.blogspot.com
Copyright M. A. Webb, 2004-2006. All Rights Reserved
PUBLISHING AND REPRINT RIGHTS: You have permission to publish this article electronically, in print, in your ebook or on your website, free of charge, as long as the author's information and web link are included at the bottom of the article and the article is not changed, modified or altered in any way. The web link should be active when the article is reprinted on a web site or in an email. Please respond with a courtesy email to the author indicating the web link and details of where the article is posted.
1. Interactivity. Resources including printed or electronic materials, are useful but they may limit the student's learning opportunity. Customers not only do not like to read lengthy documents on their computer, but many find it more difficult and will not receive the maximum benefit. Include interactive elements in your delivery such as simulations, collaboration and online testing. You need to improve upon the "traditional" educational methods in order to get your system noticed and improve your competitive edge and increase profits.
2. Blended Learning and the Personal Touch. If you want to add a personal touch to the delivery of your system, consider providing bulletin boards, e-mail, webinars, teleconferencing and/or videoconferencing. Depending on your specific content, you may not be able to entirely eliminate face-to-face contact either. By providing these personal touches you will also be allowing your students (and customers) to blend their personal learning styles with your system and improve customer satisfaction ratings.
3. Focus and Direction. If you are trying to attract a specific niche market or corporate culture, you need to focus on problem-solving and business goals specific to that market. Companies will want to see a return on their investment in the training you deliver. You will need to demonstrate how your system will help them to improve their services, sales, support, and the bottom line, the budget. Consider providing some incentive for a company to agree to have you train their employees on specific tasks or concepts at a reduced cost to address their immediate needs. Knowledge, by itself, is not sufficient, companies need to realize direct benefit to their business goals.
Source: http://WeTrainU.blogspot.com
Copyright M. A. Webb, 2004-2006. All Rights Reserved
PUBLISHING AND REPRINT RIGHTS: You have permission to publish this article electronically, in print, in your ebook or on your website, free of charge, as long as the author's information and web link are included at the bottom of the article and the article is not changed, modified or altered in any way. The web link should be active when the article is reprinted on a web site or in an email. Please respond with a courtesy email to the author indicating the web link and details of where the article is posted.